Learn How to Thrive on a Vegan or Vegetarian Diet and Stop Being Vulnerable to Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies

Get your FREE VegHealth Nutrition Guide here:
- Which plant foods have the highest sources of calcium, protein, and other essential nutrients.
- Which nutrients are difficult to absorb from plant foods and how to improve absorption.
- How much protein do we need and can we get enough on a vegan or vegetarian diet?
- Which nutrients are missing in a plants and what supplements are recommended?

But Isn’t a Vegan Diet the Healthiest Diet?
As a vegan or vegetarian, you’re less likely to have high blood pressure, cholesterol, heart disease, or type 2 diabetes. But, you still sometimes worry that you aren’t getting all of the nutrients you need for optimal health…
It is true that if you don’t eat a balanced diet, you could wind up with vitamin or mineral deficiencies. That could lead to anemia, hypoglycemia, diabetes, dental problems, or osteoporosis.
That’s why we created The Vegan and Vegetarian Mastery Program (now called, The Ultimate Vegan Food Guide). It will teach you how to thrive on a vegan diet, and say goodbye to all of the risks, worries, and headaches of whether or not you’re eating the right thing. Since you may want to preview the course first, we created a series of emails that contain “nutrition bites” (nutrition info. in one minute or less) and a sample of healthy vegan recipes, in addition to your nutrition guide. Check it out with no cost or obligation.

Meet the Experts Who Authored Our Nutrition Lessons

Virginia Messina, MPH, RD
Virginia Messina, MPH, RD, has been a nutrition instructor at Central Michigan University and a dietitian for the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. She has authored (or co-authored) The Convenient Vegetarian, Help! My Child Stopped Eating Meat, and Vegan for Life: Everything You Need to Know to be Healthy and Fit on a Plant-based Diet.

Jill Nussinow
Jill authored the award-winning cookbook, The Veggie Queen: Vegetables Get the Royal Treatment. She’s a Registered Dietitian who writes and edits for Natural Food Network magazine and Vegan Culinary Experience magazine, She’s also been a nutritionist and cooking teacher at the McDougall program for the past 7 years.

Meredith McCarthy
Meredith’s most recent book, Sweet and Natural, won the Versailles World Cookbook Fair Award. Formerly the associate editor of Natural Health magazine, Meredith directed The East West Center For Macrobiotics for 19 years. She’s also worked with Dr. Dean Ornish and Dr. John McDougall.

Nomi Shannon
Nomi’s best selling book, The Raw Gourmet, has sold over 150,000 copies. She’s received awards for Best Educator, Favorite Chef, Favorite Recipe Book, and been featured in Alive magazine and Get Fresh. Before that, she ran The Hippocrates Health Institute’s certification course

Michael Klaper, MD
Dr. Klaper wrote all of our lessons on vitamins and minerals. Author of the book Vegan Nutrition, he’s Director of the Institute of Nutrition Education and Research, and a featured expert in two PBS productions, “Food for Thought,” and the award-winning, “Diet for a New America”. (Disclaimer)

Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, MS, DC, CCN, DACBN
Dr. Loscalzo has been an integrative health care practitioner for over two decades. She’s a Doctor of Chiropractic with Certifications in Acupuncture, Clinical Nutrition and Herbal Medicine. She’s the author of Power Breakfast Ideas, Deliciously Quick Lunch and Dinner, Healthy Halloween Treats, Dessert: Making it Rich Without Oil and Dried and Gone to Heaven.

Brenda Davis, RD
Brenda Davis, RD, has authored or co-authored 9 books on nutrition including “Becoming Vegan”, “Becoming Vegetarian”, and “Becoming Raw”. Her books have sold over 2/3 million copies and are printed in 8 languages. She’s a member of the Vegetarian Hall of Fame. She’s also a past chair of the Vegetarian Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group of the American Dietetic Association.

Jo Stepaniak, MSEd
Jo is the author and co-author of sixteen books on compassionate living and vegetarian cuisine, including Vegan Vittles: Down-Home Cooking for Everyone. She was inducted into the Vegetarian Hall of Fame at the 2008 NAVS Vegetarian Summerfest. Her award-winning column Ask Jo! appears on her Web site, “Grassroots Veganism”.
… and more!!
Some health secrets you’ll discover when you subscribe…
- How to absorb more zinc and calcium from beans, grains, nuts, and seeds
- What to do to absorb more iron from your meals so you don’t wind up anemic and exhausted
- A mistake vegans make that robs their bodies of calcium
- Absorb more nutrition from your meals and feel rejuvenated
- Save money on health food and eat well when you are traveling
- The secret to enjoying beans without flatulence
- What healthy vegans and vegetarians eat in a typical day

The Ultimate Vegan Food Guide
Learn how to prepare quick and easy nutritious vegan meals, so you can thrive on a vegan lifestyle. Lessons come from top doctors, registered dietitians and other health experts across the world who are ready to help you master a vegan diet and avoid any pitfalls that can lead to deficiencies and health concerns.

Here’s What Students Are Saying…

Anita Robinson, Parkville MD

Mary Montanye, Bellvue, CO